Percentage Calculator

Keeping it simple. This calculator lets you put in a percentage and a number; and it will tell you what that percentage of the number you put in is.


40% of 200 = 80

20% of 320 = 64

50% of 550 = 225

There’s more to this calculator than just that though! Want to know what happens if a number increases by a set percentage? This calculator can also do that for you, quick and easy.


20% increase of 800 = 960

30% increase of 24 = 32.2

But if you just want to know what percentage of x number y number is, well this Calculator can do that as well, it’s just a reversal of the first calculation.


40 is 20% of 200

420 is 60% of 700

You can even go over 100% to see how much it increases your input number. The reverse, just like with previous examples, is also possible. Just ask the Calculator to work out what percentage of a smaller number a bigger number is and it will answer with a percentage over 100%.


200% of 30 is 60

330% of 40 is 132

70 is 233.333% of 30

100 is 227.2727% of 44